Development of Onsite Detection and Automatic Shape Adjustment System for
Formed Hull Plates Based on Line Laser Multicamer Stereovision
Zhao Shunshun,Guo Zhifei,Li Pin,Wang Xiao,Liu Huixia,Zhu Yuanchao
Abstract:In order to realize the fast and accurate onsite detection and automatic shape adjustment of hull plate formed by 3D ship hull plate bending machine,an onsite detection and automatic shape adjustment system based on line laser multicamer stereovision technology is developed,which is suitable for 3D ship hull plate bending machine.The detection system scheme and structural parameters is designed.System calibration,line laser 3D reconstruction,point cloud registration,ship plate forming deviation and plate springback calculation,and other key technologies are researched.The system test results show that the measurement error of the system is less than±1mm,the single measurement time is less than 30s,and the field of view is larger than the machining area of the bending machine 2750mm×2750mm.It satisfies the requirements of onsite detection and automatic shape adjustment of ship plate in the machining process.
Keywords:3D ship hull plate bending machine;hull plate;onsite detection;multicamer;stereovision