Adaptive Image Enhancement Method Based on Artificial Swarm Optimization
Wang Yannian,Cheng Yanjie,Zhong Zheng,Li Wenting,Li Xiongfei
Abstract:Based on artificial colony optimization,an adaptive image enhancement algorithm is proposed by combining artificial colony optimization algorithm with incomplete Beta function.The artificial bee colony algorithm as an optimization problem to find the optimal solution is taken.The optimal gray scale transformation curve is determined by the parallel search of the optimal parameters of the incomplete Beta function by the artificial bee colony optimization algorithm.The fitness function is introduced to guide the search movement of the artificial bee colony,so as to achieve the adaptive enhancement of image contrast.Simulation results show that compared with histogram equalization and antisharpening mask algorithm,the gray distribution of the algorithm is more uniform,the contrast is obvious and the visual effect is better and more suitable.
Keywords:artificial swarm optimization algorithm;contrast enhancement;incomplete Beta function;fitness function