摘要:采用阴极电弧蒸发沉积法在WC-Co 硬质合金表面制备TiAlN涂层,利用不同喷砂时间和压力对涂层表面进行处理,通过X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和CSM 纳米硬度计测定处理前后的涂层内应力、物相、表面形貌、纳米硬度等性能指标,研究不同喷砂时间和压力对涂层组织结构和力学性能的影响,同时通过对比不同喷砂时间和压力处理后的样品在铣削P20钢材的性能和磨损机理,得出随着喷砂时间和压力的增大,涂层表面液滴逐渐被去除,表面粗糙度减小从而使表面光洁度提升,调整涂层内应力状态,性能明显提升,其中钢件铣削加工最优涂层残余应力范围为-5.3~-5.7GPa。
Effect of Microblasting on Microstructure Mechanical Properties
and Cutting Performance of TiAlN Coatings
Jiang Tao
Abstract:TiAlN coating deposited on WCCo substrate is prepared by cathodic arc evaporation deposition,meanwhile the coating is treated with different microblasting pressure and time.The properties including residual stress,coating phase,surface morphology,nanohardness (H) are measured by XRay Diffraction (XRD),Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM),CSM nanohardness tester.The effect of different blasting pressure and time on coating microstructure and mechanical properties is studied.The performance and wear mechanism of coated inserts with different treatment in P20 steel milling performance are compared.It can be found that the droplets on the coating surface have been removed after blasting treatment thus leading to surface roughness decreased and the improvement of surface smoothness.Residual stress of coating has been adjusted at the same time.The optimum residual stress range on P20 steel milling is between -5.3~-5.7GPa.
Keywords:TiAlN coating;nanohardness;mechanical property;steel milling