作者:晁瑞,李志峰 单位:陕西理工大学
摘要:根据增材制造的成型特点,针对传统实体结构螺杆转子加工程序繁琐和耗材较多的问题,提出对传统实体结构螺杆转子轻量化设计思路;通过对螺杆转子内部结构的空腔化设计,建立三维实体模型,分析螺杆转子的实际工况,利用ANSYS Workbench对新型结构螺杆转子进行结构特性分析,并得出新型结构螺杆转子可以满足实际工作需求;利用增材制造的成形特点对螺杆转子内部进行空腔化设计,达到轻量化要求。
Lightweight Design and Analysis of Screw Rotor Structure
 Based on Additive Manufacturing
Chao Rui,Li Zhifeng
Abstract:According to the molding characteristics of additive manufacturing,in view of the tedious processing procedures of traditional solid structure screw rotors and the large number of consumables,a lightweight design idea of traditional solid structure screw rotors is proposed.In this paper,the cavity structure of the screw rotor is designed,a threedimensional solid model is established,the actual working conditions of the screw rotor is analyzed,the structural characteristics of the new structure screw rotor through ANSYS Workbench is analyzed.The new structure screw rotor can meet the actual work needs by using the forming characteristics of additive manufacturing to analyze the interior of the screw rotor.The cavity design meets the requirements of lightweight design.
Keywords:additive manufacturing;new structure;structural analysis;data comparison