作者:于明志,万熠,赵梓贺,王宏卫,张晓,刘安琪,刘战强 单位:山东大学高效洁净机械制造教育部重点实验室;山东大学机械工程学院
摘要:针对增材制造植入体生物相容性差的问题,制备出具有微纳米双级结构的植入体表面,可更好地促进骨整合。对3D打印的TC4钛合金样品进行HF/ HCl混合液酸蚀处理,在不同电解液中进行阳极氧化,并对各组样品进行表面表征、粗糙度测量及表面润湿性试验。结果表明,在含有NH4F的电解液中成功制备出纳米管结构,并在NH4F丙三醇水溶液中得到了均匀、规则的纳米管结构,管径为100 nm,接触角为32.8°。该方法为快速制备具有生物相容性的骨科植入体提供了新的加工工艺。
Influence of Different Electrolytes on the Surface Morphology and 
Hydrophilia of TC4 Titanium alloys by Additive Manufacturing
Yu Mingzhi,Wan Yi,Zhao Zihe,Wang Hongwei,Zhang Xiao,Liu anqi,Liu Zhanqiang
Abstract:Aimed at the problem of poor biocompatibility of implants by additive manufacturing,a micro/nanostructured surface is fabricated to enhance osseointegration.TC4 titanium plates fabricated by additive equipment are etched by HF/HCl mixture and the titanium plates are anodized in different solutions.The surface characteristics of different samples are observed by SEM and 3D laser confocal microscopy,and surface wettability is evaluated by a contact angle goniometer.The results show that nanotubes are successfully fabricated in electrolyte solution containing NH4F,and the diameter of nanotubes fabricated in electrolyte solution containing glycerol and water is 100nm,the contact angle is 328°.This method provides a new process for the rapid preparation of biocompatible orthopedic implants.
Keywords:additive manufacturing;titanium alloy;implant;micro/nanostructure