作者:陈亚奋 单位:厦门金鹭特种合金有限公司
摘要:研究不同沉积压力对化学气相沉积CVD金刚石涂层的组织结构及切削性能的影响。采用热丝化学气相沉积(HFCVD)方法,在不同的沉积压力下于WCCo基硬质合金基体表面制备金刚石涂层。通过X射线衍射分析(XRD)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)分析涂层的微观组织结构,利用拉曼光谱(Raman Spectroscopy)分析金刚石涂层的成膜质量。研究结果表明,在金刚石涂层沉积压力为5~15mbar时,提高涂层沉积压力可以有效提高金刚石涂层表面晶粒尺寸、金刚石峰强度比及纯度,同时提高涂层〈111〉晶面取向择优。在铣削3D玻璃石墨模具时,沉积压力为15mbar时,制备的金刚石涂层刀具切削性能最优。
Effect of Deposition Pressure on Microstructure and Milling
Performance of Diamond Coating
Chen Yafen
Abstract:The influence of different deposition pressure on the microstructures and cutting performance of diamond coatings of cemented carbide tools are investigated.Using hot filament chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD),different deposition pressures are applied when depositing diamond coatings on WCCo substrates.Then,the microstructures of diamond coatings are analyzed by Xray diffractions (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) while the coating qualities are evaluated by Raman spectroscopy.The results show that an increase of the deposition pressure within the range of 5mbar to 15mbar can effectively increases the crystal size,Raman peak intensity,phase purity,and the preferred 〈111〉 oriented peaks of the deposited diamond coating.When milling 3D glass graphite moulds,superior milling performance can be found in tools coated with diamond under 15mbar.
Keywords:diamond coating;growth pressure;microstructure;milling performance;tool