Study on Electrolytic Grinding Fluid Based on Material
Anodic Polarization Characteristics
Wang Mingjia,Yao Peng,Zhu Hongtao,Zhu Limin,Zhang Diancong,Ding Jianhua
Abstract:3J33B highstrength elastic alloy steel is widely used to manufacture elastic components in aerospace fields because of its high strength and large elastic modulus.Because this alloy is a typical difficulttomachine material,the quality requirements are difficult to meet by mechanical processing.Nevertheless,Electrochemical grinding technology has great advantages in machining difficulttomachine materials.As for electrolytic grinding,the grinding fluid which affects the surface integrity,plays an important role in the formation of passive films during electrochemical grinding,and the polarization characteristics of materials are influenced by the types of materials and electrolytes and the electrolyte concentration.Since the polarization characteristics of materials can reflect the passivation characteristics of materials in electrolyte,so the study of polarization characteristics can provide a theoretical basis for the selection of electrolyte.In this paper,the polarization characteristics of materials are experimentally studied with electrochemical workstation to select the electrolytic grinding fluid which is easy to generate uniform passivation films.
Keywords:highstrength elastic alloy steel;electrolytic grinding fluid;polarization characteristic;welldistributed passive film