作者:朱家诚1,2,吴建波2,Vladimir A.Levchenko2,王守国3
Effect of Bias Frequency on Quality of Diamondlike Carbon Film
Zhu Jiacheng,Wu Jianbo,Vladimir A.Levchenko,Wang Shouguo
Abstract:The diamondlike carbon (DLC) films are prepared by multiarc ion plating,and the effects of bias frequency on the composition and properties of DLC films are studied.Scanning electron microscopy,Raman spectroscopy,Xray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and nanoindentation are used to analyze the DLC films.The results show that the bias frequency has no effect on the film thickness,but the cluster size decreases with the increasing of bias.When the bias frequency is 3kHz,the agglomeration of the deposited particles is serious and the particles are larger,the surface quality is poorer.Raman spectrum analysis of DLC films shows that ID/IG is lower at low frequency than that at high frequency.XPS testing results further confirm that the content of SP3 of DLC films deposited at low bias frequency is higher than that at high frequency.Nanoindentation test results show that the hardness of DLC films deposited at low frequency is better than that at high frequency.The results provide a new idea for the design and preparation of diamondlike carbon films.
Keywords:diamondlike carbon;multi arc ion plating;bias frequency;film hardness