作者:杨广新,胡永强,田景峰,赵楠楠 单位:辽宁轨道交通职业学院


Design of Comprehensive Gauge for Automobile Parts
Yang Guangxin,Hu Yongqiang,Tian Jingfeng,Zhao Nannan
Abstract:Many parts with complex shape are used in automobiles,and the positional relationships among the components of a vehicle need to meet the assembly requirements.Most of these complex shape parts with uneven cutting edges are directly formed by stamping.They are measured by threecoordinate measuring machine,which is timeconsuming and laborious,and it is difficult to adapt to the mass production detection.The comprehensive gauges well suit to the actual demand inspection of automobile parts and improve the detection accuracy and speed.

Keywords:automobile parts;comprehensive gauges;gauges design