作者:黄汝田,孙鹏 单位:北京信息科技大学现代测控技术教育部重点实验室
Camera Calibration and Relative Orientation Based on Parallel Lines
Huang Rutian,Sun Peng
Abstract:Camera calibration is the necessary auxiliary means to realize the robot vision system,and the camera calibration methods are mostly based on point feature.When some characteristics or obscured in a poor texture,few corresponding point of the region will lead to can't calibration and orientation,the applicability is not strong.In order to overcome these obstacles,this paper proposes a new method for camera calibration and orientation,just detect space four groups of coplanar parallel straight lines,and use the camera calibration and orientation,without giving a specific object shape,these two sets of parallel lines can form a parallelogram,or rectangle.
Keywords:machine vision;calibration;camera calibration;relative orientation