作者:王鹏飞1,肖继明2,郑建明2,李军1,杨华1 单位:1西安优耐特容器制造有限公司;2西安理工大学
Chipseparating Form and Drilling Process of BTA Drill in Deephole Machining
Wang Pengfei,Xiao Jiming,Zheng Jianming,Li Jun,Yang Hua
Abstract:Chipseparating form and drilling process of BTA drill are introduced and the deep hole drilling experiments of BTA drills are carried out.The drilling process of single tooth and staggered teeth drill are analyzed,as well as the shape of hole is formed.The chip morphology and drilling force of single tooth and staggered teeth drill are compared.The results show that,compared with the single tooth drill,the chipseparating effect of staggered teeth drill is better,and its centering effect is stronger.But its chip morphology is not good,and the chipblocking phenomenon is serious.The drilling force of the staggered teeth drill is less than that of single tooth drill,and its drilling process is relatively stable.
Keywords:BTA drill;chipseparating form;drilling process;chip morphology;drilling force