作者:李志伟,涂俊翔 单位:福州大学
Research on Influence of Milling Parameters on Milling Force of 
Glass Fiber Composites
Li Zhiwei,Tu Junxiang
Abstract:Aiming at the milling force of glass fiber composite (GFRP),the L27 (313) orthogonal experiment is carried out with the cutting parameters (spindle speed,feed rate and feed rate) as independent variables,and its influence on the milling force of GFRP is analyzed.Experiments show that the milling force increases with the increasing of feed speed and milling depth,and decreases with the increasing of spindle speed.Multivariate regression analysis of milling force,establishment of relevant mathematical models and verification of its rationality through significant analysis are helpful to analyze the influence of cutting parameters on milling force.
Keywords:glass fiber reinforced composite (GFRP);milling force;milling parameter;regression analysis