Dynamic Calculation and Analysis of Cylindrical Helical Gear Transmission
by Considering Manufacturing Error
Liu Ruitao,Zhang Dengpan,Zhang Hongliang,Wang Liyang,Wang Yu
Abstract:Manufacturing error affects the dynamic performance of gear transmission,which is a nonnegligible factor.Based on the nonlinear factors such as timevarying meshing stiffness,integrated meshing error and damping,a six degree of freedom helical gear dynamic model with manufacturing error is formed in this paper.Monte Carlo method is used to solve the manufacturing error of the gear.The gear dynamics model established is solved by using the rungekaku method,by analyzing a pair of actual meshing gears.The dynamic characteristics of transmission are obtained.The research shows that manufacturing error is the most important factor affecting the gear transmission error.The error excitation of gear is the key factor that affects the dynamic characteristics of high speed and heavy load gear.For highspeed heavyduty gear,manufacturing accuracy should be improved to reduce error excitation.
Keywords:manufacturing error;transmission error;monte carlo method;gear dynamic